Communicate insights and plans

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Communicate your findings and results, and invite your church to be a part of any future plans or directions. 

Sharing the findings of your survey with the whole church to help them own any future plans, directions and mission goals. Invite them to participate in a process of action. A strong sense of ownership leads to a more healthy church.

Communicate insights and celebrate strengths

Communicate your results and insights from the survey with your whole church. Celebrate your strengths identified in the survey.  Pray together as you discern insight and wisdom.

Resources to help you communicate with your church:

Church Life Survey Workbook: 10 ideas to communicate at church, conversation with a mentor, discussion with a leadership team. 

Inform church of actions to be taken and invite their involvement

Inform church attenders of any actions or plans the leadership will undertake as a result of the survey findings. Invite attenders or a task group to be involved in your chosen process of action planning, setting a vision or determining next steps (a range of options are provided in the Church Life Survey Workbook).

Resources to help you inform and invite:

Church Life Survey Workbook: Report Templates and Planning processes to use with a group.

Checklist of key tasks: 

Communicate insights and invite involvement in future plans or action.

1. Communicate insights gleaned from your survey results with the church and celebrate your strengths.
2. Inform the church of any plans determined by the leadership team.
3. Invite people to participate in a process of planning, setting a vision or taking action, in response to the survey findings.


AFTER THE SURVEY: Once you have communicated your findings to your church, take steps to ACT ON YOUR RESULTS.

1. Prepare 2. Administer 3. Evaluate 4. Communicate 5. Act